The Like clause allows you to specify a pattern, and returns back only those results which match the pattern. The pattern can include regular characters or/and wildcard characters. Inclusion of wildcard characters makes Like clause much more flexible than comparison operators such as “=” and “!=” which requires an exact match to satisfy the condition.
Like clause uses the following wildcard characters
Wildcard Character Key Description
% Percent This wildcard character can replace zero or more characters.
Ex: WHERE Title LIKE 'Manager%'
_ Underscore This wildcard character can replace one character.
Ex: WHERE FirstName LIKE '_ohn'
[ ] Square brackets This wildcard character can replace one character within a given set or range.
Ex1: Using range: WHERE FirstName LIKE '[g-m]ohn'
(In this case, first character can be "g" or "h" or "i" or "j" or "k " or "l" or "m").

Ex2: Using set: WHERE FirstName LIKE '[hijk]ohn'
(In this case, first character can be "h" or "i" or "j" of "k").

Ex3: Using set: WHERE FirstName LIKE '[h,i,j,k]ohn'
(Same as above, only difference is that the characters within the set is seperated by comma, which makes it more readable).
^ Caret This wildcard character can replace one character which is not in the given set or range.
Ex1: Using range: WHERE FirstName LIKE '^[a-d]ohn'
(In this case, first character can be any character except "a","b","c" or "d").

Ex2: Using set: WHERE FirstName LIKE '^[abcd]ohn'
(Same result as previous example).

Ex3: Using set: WHERE FirstName LIKE '^[a,b,c,d]ohn'
(Same result as previous example).